
I don’t believe it is possible to be entirely happy in this lifetime — I think that experience is something that is waiting for us in its fullness in Heaven.  However, I maintain that it is not necessary for us to be as unhappy as we currently are.  It seems to me that there are opportunities for delight scattered all around us.  We just need to have minds open enough to perceive them, hearts large enough to embrace them, and the courage to give ourselves permission to revel in them, even if our former plans need to be redirected for just a little while.

We grow so accustomed
to this world of pain
this valley of tears
that we miss the sparkling
among the dew drops
In the normalization of greyness
silver can go undetected
But sometimes the colours leap forth
while we look elsewhere
distracted by some
mundane task
exaggerating itself
in importance
Gifts strewn along the path
waiting for our attention
waiting for our permission
waiting for our hearts to open
to their pockets of delight
their kaleidoscope
of possibilities

Morning Thoughts

There is a lengthy space of time between when I wake up in the morning and when I get out of bed.  Basically, I wait until my need for food becomes stronger than the pain & heaviness in my body & mind.  While I’m waiting for my final burst of willpower to engage, I do some very gentle yoga.  It helps.  I also mentally go through a list of words that resonate with something deep inside of me.  It is my hope that these words will somehow remain with me throughout the day, that they will shape what I initiate, and that they will impact my responses.

I am very much interested to hear about any words that speak to something deep in your spirit — words that just feel right for you — words that help you to come alive to the best of who you can become.

O.K., here is what I have chosen for myself:












Perception over Judgment

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