Creating With Colour


colour outside of the lines
use the boundaries as reference points
and then blur right past them
as you stretch into the great unknown
while your lasting imprints
trail gloriously behind you


trace over the lines with a thick black marker
then fill the interiors
with the most vibrant of hues
to highlight the contrasts
sharpen the focus
allowing the blaze of rich colours to draw you into
deeper, more intense realms

regardless of your choice
to take flight from your original setting
or to remain and explore profound meanings
you are refusing to accept the pattern as it is presented
refusing to accept that a mere skeleton is all that is
or all that could be
and as you take risks in crafting what can be seen
you are simultaneously enhancing
the variegated dimensions of your spirit

The Evolving Artwork of Language

It’s not just about finding your own voice
It’s about discovering your own language
The flavours swirling in what you wish to say
And when you speak
Your words can paint colours in the minds of listeners
Opening up kaleidoscopes of possibilities
As you expand the boundaries
Of who each of you can become

Intentionally Artistic

Creativity over Analysis
Perception over Judgment
Intuition over Formality
Spheres over Boxes

it’s about coming alive
it’s about embracing who I am
in spite of living within constructs
in spite of pressures placed upon me

and if the colours around me grow dull
I can pull up from within
splash colours all around me
in wild and frenzied patterns

I can imprint upon the world